"Do or Do not. There is no try."

John Boehner Is Letting The Inmates Run The Asylum

Things are going from bad to worse for Speaker Boehner and  the House Republicans.

It hasn’t exactly been smooth sailing for the speaker over  the last two years since all his Tea Party freshmen hit town. The good news for him was that he was elected  speaker; the bad news was who elected him!

And it is not helpful that House Majority Leader Eric Cantor seems to  want his job  and is coddling the conservatives in the caucus.

For Speaker Boehner this is like herding feral cats that are  getting increasingly wild.

The House rejection Tuesday of the bill overwhelming agreed upon in   the Senate (89-10) to enact a compromise on the extension of the middle  class  tax cuts and unemployment payments was a shock—maybe even to  Boehner when his  caucus revolted over the weekend.

Anyone who is watching the inmates take over the asylum that  is  becoming the Republican caucus has got to fear for the country—and the Republican party.

If the House Republicans are responsible for raising taxes  this year  on the middle class, taking $1,500 out of their pockets as a little   Christmas present, they will send the very clear message that they do  the  bidding of the millionaires and billionaires but put coal in the  stocking of  working families.

And as America’s businessmen and woman understand, the best   prescription for growth, hiring, and greater profits, is a middle class that  is  well-off enough to buy their products.  Starving middle class  families does not exactly help their bottom line.

In addition, Republicans cannot make the argument that they  are so  concerned about the deficit that they want to shackle the middle class   but let the wealthiest of Americans continue to get hundred of thousands  of  dollars in tax breaks that “are not paid for!”

The speaker understands that effectively raising taxes now  on middle  class families, while continuing huge tax cuts for the richest   Americans, simply will not wash.

Such a decision is kryptonite in a political year such as  this one.

Hiding behind a conference committee or talking about a year   extension is simply hogwash—the Tea Party House members want to kill it,   pure and simple.

Speaker Boehner is in real trouble on this one and he knows  it; he  is better off to cut the crazies loose in his own party, make a deal with   Democrats and reasonable Republicans, and move on. It is the right  thing to do for the country to  prevent a double dip recession and the  right thing to do politically. If Cantor tries to dethrone him, so be  it, he  did the right thing. But, right now, he is getting run over by a  right wing  caucus out of control.


By: Peter Fenn, U. S. News and World Report, December 20, 2011

December 21, 2011 - Posted by | GOP | , , , , , ,

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