"Do or Do not. There is no try."

“The Sum Of All Fears”: A Signal From America’s Emergency Broadcast System

On the heels of his dominant victory in last night’s South Carolina Republican primary, does anyone still think that Donald Trump’s rise to the GOP nomination can be stopped?

Trump is, for all intents and purposes, already the GOP nominee, a prospect that should unnerve any American who believes in common decency. His conquest of South Carolina was nothing less than a signal from America’s emergency broadcast system: this is only a test of whether rational America will allow fear and fury to flourish over the course of the next four years.

The thought of this man–this embodiment of every dark, demonic force in American history–becoming the 45th President of the United States chills the blood. What does it say about our educational system that this man was not laughed right out of the political system the moment he announced his candidacy?

He talks about what Mexico allegedly sends to the United States. Imagine what a President Trump would send to the rest of the world: a message that racism, sexism, xenophobia and narcissism are virtues, not vices. A message that reason is for the weak. A message that America has fallen into a deep moral abyss.

I’m scared for my friends’ children. They will be of an impressionable age over the next four years. When they see President Donald Trump on the TV screen, what warped values will penetrate their minds? What flawed lessons will they carry with them for the rest of their lives? Will I have to tell my friends not to let their kids watch President Trump, for the same reason one doesn’t let children watch movies with explicit sex, violence and profanity?

What kind of world will those kids inherit? A Trump victory would be far more devastating for our climate than the Keystone XL pipeline would have been. I guarantee that within 24 hours of a Trump victory, China, India and other major polluters will abandon the Paris climate agreement, reasoning that by electing an unrepentant climate-change denier, America cannot possibly be trusted to hold up its end of the deal. Without that deal, you can say goodbye to a livable future–and say hello to more fires, more floods, more disease, more death. (And by the way, Mr. Kasich, if you’re serious about climate, you will not endorse Trump once you suspend your campaign.)

A part of me wants to believe that hope will ultimately conquer fear, that morality will defeat madness, that progressivism will win over revanchism. Another part of me fears that such hope is an illusion, and that on Election Day, a majority of voters, hooked on the opiate of hate, will rush to the polls for their next fix from Donald the Dealer, this pathetic pusher of prejudice.

What would Marvin Gaye say about this, this dark moment in time? What would Nina Simone say? What would Maya Angelou say? Stevie Wonder once sang about finding joy inside his tears. What if, on the night of November 8, there’s no joy to be found?

I have to believe that hope will survive. Maybe that’s my opiate. Maybe I’m addicted to optimism. Nevertheless, I have yet to abandon my view that in the event Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders cannot go the distance in his quest for the nomination, his passionate and enthusiastic supporters will step back, take stock, and set aside whatever grievances they have with Hillary Clinton, concluding that at the end of the day, an alleged “corporatist” cannot threaten democracy and civility the way an actual crackpot can.

Think about what’s at stake. This country is only so resilient. In 1992, America could have survived four more years of Poppy Bush. In 1996, America could have survived four years of President Bob Dole. In 2008, America could have survived four years of President John McCain. In 2012, America could have even survived four years of President Mitt Romney.

Does anyone think this country could survive four days, much less four years, of President Donald Trump?

The progressives currently feuding over the merits of Clinton v. Sanders will lay down their rhetorical arms and embrace each other as brothers and sisters at the conclusion of the Democratic primary. They will unify as the general election approaches, attending to their tasks with the skill and effectiveness of a veteran worker for a suicide prevention hotline. That analogy is apt, because progressives will, in essence, try to stop the country from cutting its own wrist on November 8.


By: D. R. Tucker, Political Animal Blog, The Washington Monthly, February 21, 2016

February 21, 2016 - Posted by | Bernie Sanders, Democracy, Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton | , , , , , , ,


  1. […] Isaiah J. Poole, Editor of, Campaign For America’s Future, February 19, […]


    Pingback by “A Marco Rubio Administration During A Recession? Depressing”: A Rudderless Economy Drifting Onto The Rocks « | February 22, 2016 | Reply

  2. The upside of President Trump would be that he is most likely not a true conservative like Cruz or even Rubio, and his xenophobic rhetoric is jus something that he has to do to to get elected. If there’s one Republican candidate who might sell out his party on climate change or guns, that would be Trump.


    Comment by List of X | February 21, 2016 | Reply

    • Yep, Trump would sell them out at the very chance he got.


      Comment by raemd95 | February 21, 2016 | Reply

  3. Here’s the problem. If Bernie Sanders’ supporters , especially those in the media will not stop being deceptive and sly in their support of Bernie, things will turn ugly. take note of what Chris Hayes of MSNBS did last Friday when he showed a clip Bill Clinton ” slamming ” Obama. It was very deceptive and extremely blatant, It was meant for African Americans to see. Chris hayes issued an unapologetic ” apology”, telling everyone he was right, but should have shown the whole thing so that everyone could make their own judgement. The more evil motive was the hope there’d be more people to see the Friday’s clip than the correction later. It’s like putting out a lie in the papers, then the correction is later published in the inside pages. The damage has been done. Alex Wagner was very good with this . She used words like ambitious, untrustworthy to describe Hillary. One guest took issue with her. All presidential candiddates are ambitious , he said, so why does Wagner uses that ” code word ” on Hillary ? Wagner just giggled. That was the last stroke to me. I stopped watching her, and was glad her show was axed. Matthews and the rest of the gang are like that, too. ( though Matthews I think has a change of heart ) They have been creating a bandwagon effect for Sanders, and boy, is it effective.


    Comment by renxkyoko | February 21, 2016 | Reply

    • Totally agree. It’s no longer like they are reporting the “news” but more as though they are expressing their own biases. And they wonder why their viewership is down.

      Liked by 1 person

      Comment by raemd95 | February 21, 2016 | Reply

      • Their reporter even ” reported ” that Hillary Clinton had left the building, lol and gone to Houston ( coz Bernie was winning, according to the reporter ) And MSNBS kept on harping on that false report up to the point where Hillary was about to give her victory speech in Nevada. She was in Nevada all that time.

        MSNBS have guests who are either Republican or obvious Bernie supporters. If Bernie loses, to MSNBS, he still wins. saying Hillary is vulnerable , and can even lose all the western states, like California. And they sound like it’s a done deal. In all fairness to Rachel maddow last Saturday, she didn’t say anything. After Chris Matthews , it was Maddows turn to host , and I thought, here we go again….. good thing she didn’t say anything. Except for Matthews, the rest belittled Hillary’s win. The hardworking Union employees handed Hillary the state of Nevada. SEIU will hand Hillary the state of California. Pres. Obama lost Ca by 12 percentage points despite the solid Black and Far Left votes during the 2008 primaries.


        Comment by renxkyoko | February 21, 2016

  4. The Donald would make us less safe and harm our image. As bad as Trump would be, Cruz would actually be worse as Cruz believes his own BS. Dems must vote irrespective of the candidate as the most reasonable GOP candidate in Kasich is likely to drop out soon. So, we will be left a poor candidate in Rubio and two horrible ones.


    Comment by Keith | February 21, 2016 | Reply

    • This is a big mess for the GOP and the country.


      Comment by raemd95 | February 21, 2016 | Reply

      • I just hope we can limit the mess to the GOP.


        Comment by Keith | February 21, 2016

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